Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Thinking of buying an Acer Aspire 5742Z laptop....think again.

Back in May 2011 a situation arose in my household were by having two desk top pc's was no longer a viable, practical option. The answer was to purchase a laptop. After some careful consideration, and the obvious monetary constrictions, I plumbed for an Acer Aspire 5742Z....and I have regretted that choice ever since.

I'm well aware of how quickly information becomes available in today's hyper fast I.T. world, and of our limited time constraints to digest even the smallest, most relevant/interesting pieces. So I shall cut to the chase.

Purchased on offer from £499.99 to £279.99 with a twelve month warranty.

At five months old I had to return the machine to Acer to have the following repaired;
.unresponsive mouse pad
.defective battery and charger
.system back-up failure
.turned itself off and on
.when I tried to shut the machine down, I could have taken a weeks holiday in the Caribbean, come home and it would still be trying to close!
The machine was out of my possession for 31 days whilst repairs were carried out.

Then on Sunday 18th March 2012 the above happened^^^^^^. Nice eh????

The machine was collected by UPS from my home on the March 27th to be sent off for yet further repair(s).
As I write this post, Wednesday 18th April 2012 I am unable to inform you of the machine's status. This is solely because the company to whom Acer/Packard Bell farm out faulty machines for repair, Infoteam International Services, appear to be unfamiliar with email/mobile phone/letter/pigeon even, in so much as they are unable/un-willing of extending me the common courtesy of updating me on the laptop's status.

Anyway, just thought I'd let you all know that my finger nails are bitten to the quick and my hair has all but nearly disappeared (pulled out in maddening frustration).

Moral of the story? If YOU are thinking about buying an Acer Aspire 5742Z laptop, I would urge you to think very, very carefully indeed.

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